Roasted Winter Veggie stew with Braised Short Ribs

Prep  15 min
Total  2 hours 15 min
Serves  6-8


2 lb
cubed short rib
1 cup
large & diced parsnip
1 cup
large & diced sweet potato
1 cup
large & diced turnip
1 cup
large & diced candy can beet
1 cup
large & diced carrot
1 cup
large & diced celery root
1 cup
large & diced kohlrabi
1 cup
peeled shallots
1/2 cup
1 cup
diced kale
2 tbsp
fresh thyme
2 litres
beef stock
1/2 bottle
red wine
2 tbsp
4 tbsp
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper


1) Preheat oven to 375F. Season beef and sear in a large awesome stock pot with a splash of olive oil. 2) Add flour and stir until you get some brown on the bottom. Deglaze with red wine and reduce by half. 3) Top with beef stock and simmer for 1.5 hours with the lid on. 4) In a large bowl toss all veggies with olive oil, thyme and season with salt and pepper. 5) Place on baking tray and roast for 20 min. Give it a shake and bake for another 15 or until done. 6) Combine veggies with beef stew and serve over mash potatoes, or quinoa.


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