Turmeric and curry ice cream

This spicy ice cream is just way to cool!


1 ½ cups
1 cup
35% cream
egg yolks
150 grams
whole apple
1 tsp
1 tsp
lemon juice
1 tbsp
curry powder
Pinch of
ground cumin
Pinch of
Pinch of


Peel and seed the apple, chop rough and toss in the lemon juice. In a frying pan, melt the butter over medium heat, add the apples and slow warm until they soften. Add in the curry, cumin, and turmeric. Cook for another minute and then cover with the milk. Remove from the heat, puree in a blender and pass through a fine strainer. Whisk the egg yolks and the sugar in a bowl until they turn pail. (a whiteish yellow) Then pour half of the apple milk over the eggs. Whisk together and then pour back into the other half of the apple milk. Return to the stove and stir with a wooden spoon over medium heat. Continue until the custard thickens enough to coat the back of the wooden spoon. Approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Once cooked strain through a fine chinois into the chilled 35% cream, this will help the custard cool quickly.  Chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour. When the ice cream base is completely chilled churn in an ice cream machine.


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