Gluten-free triple layer chocolate cake

Total  33 min
Makes  1
Not 1...2... but 3 layers of chocolate goodness in a gluten free treat!

On today’s Cityline show, I talked about the difference between having celiac disease vs. being gluten free. I also shared that my 10-year-old daughter is newly diagnosed as being celiac and highlighted foods she can and cannot have. While as a nutritionist I frequently work with adults with celiac disease, what I discovered thru my daughter’s diagnosis was that being pediatric celiac can be trickier at first. No child wants all their food changed overnight or wants to feel different from their peers. But…we have created some delicious gluten free options and recipes that all will enjoy (more to come on that in future posts).

Okay…so why the long introduction to this recipe? Well….because this is not a typical “Dr. Joey” post. I do not use added sugars in my recipes and primarily stick to natural sugars and spices. But this is my mom’s famous recipe tweaked into gluten free for my daughter. Being the super “Baba” that she is – she wanted to make sure her granddaughter could continue to enjoy her famous fudge cake. So enjoy….this recipe is definitely gluten free and one of the best cakes I have ever tried – but is a definite indulgence!


1 ½ squares
of enjoy life baking chocolate
¾ cups
1 ½ cup
boiling water
3 cups
Bob’s Red Mill gluten free 1 to 1 baking flour
2 ¼ tsp
gluten free baking soda
¾ tsp
2 ½ cups
¾ cups
sour cream, (we use dairy free)
beaten eggs, in a separate bowl
1 ½ tsp


4 cups
icing sugar
6 tbsp
cocoa powder
6 tbsp
softened butter
squeeze of lemon juice
3-4 tbsp
almond milk, or until icing is smooth


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 375
  2. Microwave chocolate for 1 minute
  3. In a mixmaster, chocolate, butter and boiling water and beat
  4. Allow to cool 1-2 minutes
  5. Mix in flour, baking soda, sugar and salt and add to the cooled butter and chocolate gradually
  6. Beat for a couple of minutes at half speed
  7. Add sour cream, beaten eggs and vanilla and beat at half speed
  8. Grease the 8 inch cake pans and equally divide the batter into the pans
  9. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean
  10. Allow the cake to cool prior to frosting.
  1. With hand held electric hand beater mix butter, icing sugar, cocoa and lemon juice
  2. Add a little of the almond milk at a time into the mixture and beat until smooth
  3. Spread over each layer of the cake and the sides of the cake


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