'Canadian' mincemeat pies

It's a holiday classic — with a Canadian touch!


Pie Crust


Mincemeat method: 

  1. Combine all the ingredients except for the brandy.
  2. Place in a large bowl, cover with a tea towel and leave to marinate overnight.
  3. The next day remove the tea towel, line with parchment paper and then cover with tin foil.
  4. Pre heat the oven to 225 degrees, place the wrapped bowl in a water bath and place the water bath into the oven.
  5. Allow the mincemeat to steam for 3 hours. Then remove and stir occasionally while cooling.
  6. Pour the brandy over the mix and stir in.

Pie crust method:


  1. Combine the flour, salt and cold diced butter in a large pot. Using your fingertips rub the ingredients together to for a crumb.
  2. Fold in the egg, followed by a small amount of water at a time until you form a sticky dough. Wrapped with cling film and 30 minutes.

    Individual Pies:

  3. Rolled our 2/3 of the pie dough until ½ cm thick using a round cutter.
  4. Cut the circles big enough to line the bottom and sides of a muffin tin.
  5. Lightly butter the muffin tins and then line the tray with the cut-out pie dough.
  6. Next fill each pie crust with the cold mincemeat filling until they are ¾ full. Now roll out the remaining pie dough to a ½ cm think and cut into rounds the size of the top of the muffin tray.
  7. Once rolled out, damp the edges of the dough with cold water and top the individual pies.
  8. Lastly before baking use a small knife to cut air holes in the crust to allow steam to escape. Bake in a 400degree pre heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown.
  9. Remove from the oven and immediately remove from the pan and serve right away but not before slightly dusting them with icing sugar.

Crème Brulee

Satisfy your sweet tooth with crème brulée!

Indulge yourself with this fruit topped creamy and caramelized dessert.


  1. Combine heavy cream and coffee beans. Seal and infuse together in the fridge overnight.
  2. The next day – Preheat oven to 300 F and heat some water in a kettle.
  3. In a saucepan, strain heavy cream, reweigh and top back up to 400 g. Combine innards of vanilla bean, and the pod.
  4. While this comes to a simmer, whisk together egg yolks, sugar, and sea salt.
  5. When the cream comes to a gentle simmer, remove the vanilla pod and slowly start to pour it into the yolk mixture while constantly whisking. Please do this slowly so not to cook the egg yolks.
  6. Pass mixture through a mesh sieve into a large pouring vessel. You may use a large glass measuring cup.
  7. Place ramekins into a larger, rimmed baking pan.
  8. Fill the pan with hot water so it reaches about ¾ – 1” up the ramekins. Fill ramekins with cream mix.
  9. To eliminate any bubbles, use blow torch very lightly over the cream mix. It will pop all the surface bubbles.
  10. Bake for 45-50 mins. Custard will be set but they will jiggle in the middle. Do not over bake as the custard will lose the creaminess we want. If the whole ramekin jiggles, leave in the oven a while longer.
  11. Remove tray from oven, and then carefully remove the ramekins. Let them cool to room temp, and then place them in the fridge overnight. You can do this process 3-4 days ahead of time.
  12. When you’re ready to serve, coat with a thick layer of icing sugar and toast with a blow torch.
  13. Top with berries and serve.