Top 10 Shape-Up Pointers

Whether you are just starting out with us or having been following all along – these pointers are guaranteed to keep you on track.

Here we are – 8 weeks into the CityLine Shape-Up program and our winners are doing great. So far, the results are:

  • Cory- 30 pounds down!
  • Brittany – 17 pounds down (3 pounds from goal weight)
  • Rebecca – 11 pounds down and at goal weight!
  • Kim – 18 pounds down
  • Joanne – 20 pounds down

If you have joined us along the way and have lost weight and are feeling

better – bravo! I am so thrilled to be a part of your health makeover.

The e-mails Steph and I have been receiving are so inspiring and make it

all so worthwhile.

What I can tell you for sure is that there is noting better (I promise

you nothing!) than feeling well. Eating well and working out on a

regular basis will improve your overall sense of wellness physically,

spiritually and emotionally.

In the next little while, I will be posting some super yummy skinny for

spring recipes that I think you will love.  But… I also wanted to blog

about some quick and easy Shape-Up challenge summary pointers. Whether

you are just staring out with us or having been following all along –

the pointers below are guaranteed to keep you on track.

1. Remember why you started.  You must have been feeling some level of

dissatisfaction with your weight, energy, mood, etc. That

dissatisfaction is actually a good thing (and your body talking to you!)

as it will drive you to make permanent changes.

2. Start to food journal. Everything you eat or drink MUST be written

down in your food journal. Click here to download a free online food


3. Drink 8 glasses of water + 2 green tea beverages per day. Green tea contains EGCG which helps to boost your metabolism.

4. If you have an addiction to sugar – switch over to naturally sweet

foods, such as apples, berries, unsweetened applesauce or chewable

vitamin C. I also make homemade popsicles with water and frozen berries

to help “kill” a craving.

5. If you are an emotional eater (and really…who isn’t), prior to eating

anything pause and follow my “SALT” rule. In other words – ask yourself

–“Am I hungry or am I eating because I am Stressed, Angry, Lonely or

Tired”? The more mindful you are of your eating habits, the more of a

breakthrough experience this will be.

6. Focus on your “fill me up” foods.  For example, all meals must

contain between 3-5 ounces of lean protein such as chicken, fish,

turkey, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, tofu or protein powder. Protein

will fill you up and will also secrete glucagon – a hormone that breaks

down fat.

7. Watch the grain intake. I am sure by this time you are sick of me

saying this – but it is true. Too much grain (especially refined flours)

will result in belly fat. If you want some motivation to restrict your

grain, consider this -for every 5 pounds you lose on the Shape-Up plan,

you will lose 1 – 1.5 inches around your waist!

8. Don’t be scared of fats. In fact, the good fats such as

monounsaturated fats (avocados, olive oil, etc.) and essential fats

(almonds, walnuts, fish oils, cold water fish) have been associated with

fat loss and a lower body mass index. Thirty percent of your total

caloric intake should be from “healthy fats”. If you refer to the 7 day

meal plans, you will see there is an element of fat in most meals.

9. Eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks daily. Ideally (and for metabolic reasons)

you should be eating every 3-4 hours. Skipping breakfast is a big

weight loss “no-no”.

10. You are worth it….so take care of yourself. Whether you have 5 or 50

pounds to lose – I guarantee that losing weight and following along

with the Shape-Up challenge will make you look and feel your very best

from the inside out.

Dr. Joey Shulman is the author of The Metabolism Boosting Diet

and the Founder of The Shulman Weight Loss Clinics. For more information



Twitter: @drjoeyshulman