BBQ chicken lemongrass skewers with satay sauce

Skewers are a summer staple!

30 min
50 min

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Summer is fast approaching, so get your grill ready and make these mouth-watering BBQ chicken lemongrass skewers!

Chef Trevor Lui stopped by to share his recipe for chicken lemongrass skewers that are perfect for entertaining and enjoying outside on the patio. Add the homemade satay dipping sauce on the side, and you’re set for a delicious summer dish!


Satay Dipping Sauce


Satay Sauce Preparation

  1. Add all ingredients into a small processor and mix, or use a mortar & pestle and break down until thoroughly broken down and mixed. Can be made in advance and left covered at room temperature until service.


Chicken Preparation

  1. Cut chicken thighs into 2”x 2” pieces. In a stainless mixing bowl, add chicken and all ingredients. Using hands, mix thoroughly ensuring all chicken is fully covered and mixed. Cover bowl and allow to marinate for at least 2 hours (overnight is recommended).
  2. Soak bamboo skewers in water for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove chicken from fridge. Remove the bamboo skewers from the water, and skewer chicken pieces onto each skewer.
  4. Heat grill on high and cook skewers evenly on both sides until fully cooked (about 20 minutes). As each side cooks, brush each side with leftover marinade.
  5. Allow each side to cook for approximately 10 minutes or until chicken loosens from grill; TIP: do not force or scrape chicken off the grill, meat will loosen once the desired cook time and heat is reached.
  6. To plate, garnish with chopped cilantro and serve with dipping sauce and salad.