How to: DIY Epoxy Resin Faux Marble Countertops

Marble countertops are an expensive investment, and can sometimes cost upwards of $10,000 to replace. DIY expert Kristen Coutts is here with a budget-friendly solution to transform your old countertops to look like brand new marble with this DIY guide.

Here’s how you can cut and prime your own or recycled countertops, create an eye-catching marble design and finish the surface with epoxy resin to get a brand-new marble look for only $200! Epoxy coatings are ideal for countertops because it is durable, low-porous, resistant to chemicals, and have a strong bond strength.


What you’ll need:

Creating the marble design

  1. Choose the countertop you are going to redo or source a used one.
  2. Sand the countertop surface and apply 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of white chalk paint.
  3. Using a small paintbrush and grey chalk paint, paint marble veins onto the surface. Use a foam brush dipped in water to add a watercolor marbled texture to the design.

Applying epoxy resin

  1. Once the surface dries, combine 50% epoxy resin and 50% hardener in a large bowl (be sure you are doing this indoors). Mix together until fully combined. (Check out this epoxy resin and hardener from Amazon here).
  2. Flood the surface with the 1:1 epoxy-hardener solution and use a scraper to distribute it until level. (Find a scraper from Amazon here).
  3. Use a heat gun to eliminate air bubbles that arise, this should take approximately 4 hours. (Find a heat gun from Amazon here).
  4. Allow countertops to cure for 3 days, install countertop as normal.

Safety tip: Don’t forget to wear safety glasses and gloves when using epoxy resin and hardener and throw out any bowls, or scrapers that have come in contact with these chemicals.