3 Hacks to Make Your Vision Board Come to Life

Vision boards have come a long way since the days of poster boards, magazine clippings and highlighters! Now let's see how to master the art of the modern vision board.

I love vision boards and I have been doing them for over 10 years because I believe they really work.  If you are new to making a vision board and aren’t sure exactly what it is: it’s a visual representation of your goals, usually in a combination of images and words. I really believe that putting your goals out in the world can actually help you achieve them! Creating a visual representation of the life you would like to live, where you want to live, goals you want to achieve, your life changes to match. And I have proof from mine over the years.

Where to start: 

  1. Make a list and be specific

Make a list of goals you would like to achieve under any or all of these categories: relationships, home,
travel, career and finances, personal growth, health and wellness.

Be specific with what you want to achieve. This is a lesson I have learned from many years of making my
own. I would have something on there like having my design work in a magazine. Then it would happen
(which is still a dream) but it wouldn’t lead to what I discovered I really wanted to achieve: financial
success and stability.

I used to stop with the list and if you aren’t a visual person, you can stop there too. As long as you keep it somewhere you can see it. But I believe creating something more visual works better!

2.  Source Images

Once you have your list ready to go, it’s time to source those images. You can go old school and cut pictures from magazines and glue them to Bristol board. But that can be messy and time-consuming, so I like to do
a digital vision board.


Because I have been doing them for so long, I use images from my phone that I have taken myself, but you can source images online that visually represent your goals.

Be specific with the images you search for. If you want to travel to Italy, don’t use an image of luggage, use a photo of the exact place you’d like to go. Or, if you want to buy a house (like I do every year) find a house
you love and take a photo or source one online that looks like the one you’d love to own.

3.  Create it

Arrange the images on your board using an app like the free version of Canva. You can even make it on
your phone! I like to use PowerPoint. There are vision board apps that you can use to make it even easier.

Experiment with different layouts and leave room to add text. Some people like it to be more like a collage
in a layered look, but I find it better for me to have a less cluttered look.


Add text in bright colours to make it stand out. Again, be specific with your word choices.

Put it where you can see it!

Like any project we can start something and forget about it…stick it in a drawer or leave it in the cloud…
Put it where you can see it.

Once your vision board is done, put it somewhere you will see it every day. Make it the background on your phone or computer screen. You can tape it to your bathroom mirror, or on the inside of a closet door.


Give yourself time

Maybe the most important thing to keep in mind is that you have to give yourself time. I have had the same things on my board for years because it hasn’t happened yet, or because I want it to keep happening. Give yourself permission to edit, change or update your vision board any time.