How To Make A Stylish And Affordable Beaded Garland

An easy way to DIY holiday décor!

Whether you are a minimalist or a maximalist with your holiday décor it is always nice to add a personal touch. Here is a stylish DIY to affordably customize your decorations this year. What I love most about this DIY is that you can work with what your holiday décor is currently and introduce whatever colour scheme works best for you.

For this DIY I’ve gone with untraditional metallics and blended them in with this wood garland to create a wood beaded garland.


To hang the garland on your mantle I like using semi-permanent hooks and hanging the garland on the top surface. Semi-permanent hooks also makes it easy to layer different garlands, especially in this DIY without adding nails into your mantle.

I also created another beaded décor piece using the same beads but instead, I also added birch pieces and painted them with chalk paint to make it a chalkboard.


To make the beaded garland I bought big bags of wooden beads, and the thought of painting them all individually was too much. To help you paint your beads in only a short amount of time I have an awesome hack.

You will need:

Step one:

Step two:


Step three:

Step four:


You can also use this technique to create gift tags to match gift wrapping!