How to Set a Rustic Holiday Table and Practice Perfect Table Etiquette

Holiday hosting and attending 101!

If you’re entertaining this holiday season, brunch is a great way to host your guests. We’re back to hosting in small numbers where people are comfortable and vaccinated. We haven’t done this in a while, so let’s ease ourselves into it. I love setting the table for a casual holiday brunch.

For setting the table I’ve brought in warm earthy elements like twine and cinnamon sticks, copper flatware and mugs for cocktails, and wooden chargers.



Kent Mule Mug

I chose white linen napkins and table runners, and stoneware which both feel casual but luxurious. For the centrepiece, I chose to incorporate greenery, and you can mix in real greenery as well with the faux if you like.

Linden Stoneware 12-Piece Dinnerware Set

Etiquette at the table is also super important for the holiday season. It’s good to refresh your table etiquette since we haven’t had as much experience in the past two years.

 Here is a list of dinner party etiquette tips:

  1. If you are hosting a dinner party and your table only seats 6, you should only invite 6 people
  2. As a guest, do not place your cell phone on the table during dinner
  3. If you arrive at a dinner party and the host has you seated next to someone you don’t like, you should not ask the host to move your seat and do not move it yourself
  4. As a guest do not pack up leftovers and take them home for the next day
  5. Don’t clear the table away quickly by scraping leftovers at the table and stacking dishes before moving them off the table
  6. do not start eating as soon as you are served your food
  7. As a guest even though you have been invited you still need to RSVP to let them know you are coming
  8. Even if it’s a casual party do not bring a friend without letting the host know
  9. Don’t allow your guests to help clean up, it’s rude to have your guests help during a party
  10. As a guest, you should always bring a gift when you go to a dinner party