Here’s How To Cater Your Own Wedding

Foodies can do it all!

There are a lot of foodies out there that love cooking for all sorts of occasions! If you’re thinking you’d love to cater your own wedding and “wow” your friends, here’s how to plan it!

How many guests?

A couple should plan to have 15-20 for starters just so they don’t overwhelm themselves. They could always do more if they have help with cooking. Also if this isn’t the couples first experience cooking for an event they could entertain more guests.


What tips do you have in terms of selecting the food for the event

  1. You want to keep things simple
  2. You want to look for food you can prepare ahead of time
  3. You want to keep to food you’re familiar with – this isn’t the time to experiment
  4. Also, you want food that can be enjoyed even if it gets to room temperature and doesn’t have to be piping hot

If this were an event you were catering, how would you orchestrate this?

App: We’re serving a beer & mustard seed poached shrimp! You want to make sure you have about 2-3 per person. This can be prepared 3 days ahead of time and on the final day you have very little left to do! Beer & Mustard Seed poached Black Tiger Shrimp w/ Pineapple and Horseradish Sauce.


Main: Keep it simple but tasty with Cajun-butter chicken skewers! Cajun-Butter Grilled Chicken Skewers topped with Mediterranean inspired Couscous, glazed heirloom carrots, grilled asparagus and roasted mixed beets, garnished with herbs and almonds. Make sure when plating to add height and keep similar colours separate from each other to achieve the best presentation. Fit for a King or Queen!

Dessert: When it comes to dessert you want something that is sweet and universal! Mixed Berry & Lady Finger Trifles with lemon whipped mascarpone and toasted nuts/shredded coconut or Kahlua Chocolate Mousse w/ Honeycomb Toffee. This dessert is one that has ingredients, like blueberry purée, which can be made ahead of time and then assembled the morning of- so easy a kid could make it!

How was much spent? 


In total $400 was spent for the catered meal. However, if you were choose a meat option that is more expensive like beef tenderloin, or an expensive appetizer option like crab, you are looking at a larger amount. Toss in $100 for any help with your catering, and it’s about $500 on average.