Where To Start When Sharing Finances With Your Partner

If you’re sharing your life with someone else, are you sharing your bank account too?

If you’re sharing your life with someone else, are you sharing your bank account too? Or do you stand by the saying “What’s mine is mine”?  Here’s the breakdown on how to share your finances with your partner, or why you shouldn’t.

When should a couple start their finance journey? Is there a right time?

Couples think about combining their finances at all different stages.  Moving in for the first time after dating for a few months or years, getting engaged or married, buying their first home, or having their first child may all be points in which couples think about sharing finances. There is no true standard for when couples think about sharing their money. So, it logically follows that there is no right time to start sharing – it’s about when both are ready.


How can couples start to share their finances with each other?

A couple of ways to start sharing money are:

How do you take the first step to start talking about sharing finances?

Plan a night to sit down and discuss so both parties can come to the table with a prepared mindset. Create some easy to follow rules for discussion, such as no interrupting each other. There are the obvious taboo questions like how much do you make, what do you own, but a candid discussion will include these questions. There are some really tough questions too, like “what do we do if we break up?” or “how much money is too much to spend without consulting you?” These are definitely things to think about before taking the leap.

What are the different ways to join finances?


There are 6 methods of joining finances: