4 Types Of Teas To Promote Good Sleep

Here are 4 different ways to think about and consume tea to promote digestion, relaxation, and of course ultimately a good night sleep.

We all know that a good cup of tea is the answer to many a worry. Tea has several health advantages, from making you feel refreshed to boosting your immune system, fighting off inflammation, helping you relax and putting you to sleep. Today, we’re talking about the latter – teas that can aid in digestion and sleep!

When it comes to sleep and tea we think of the typical chamomile and valerian root. While these are great, we’re going to introduce 4 different ways to think about and consume tea to promote digestion, relaxation, and of course ultimately a good night sleep.

1: Steeping Tea the Traditional Way


Tea is a wonderful self-care tool that you can incorporate into your daily ritual. Sitting down with a cup a day can support your sleep and overall stress reduction. If you choose to go this route, there are 2 teas we recommend.

Option 1: Self Care Elixir ($25)

This tea is made with Ayurvedic medicinal herbs, and is designed to promote restoration and relaxation while maintaining a calm focus. It’s caffeine-free and contains moringa, which is known to not only ease anxiety, but also stabilize mood. The package makes between 30 and 35 servings of tea. This blend is great for helping to bolster mindfulness as well: the back of the package actually has a daily checklist and goal setting feature to help you stay accountable to your daily self-care commitment.

Option 2: Nighty Night ($5.29)

This super cheap store-bought tea makes 20 servings, and is a natural nighttime sleep aid made with medicinal grade passionflower and hops. It’s Minty and sweet, with notes of citrus and spice.

2: Cold Brewing Tea Ahead of Time


If you’re a ‘set it and forget it’ type of person, cold brewing might be the method for you. Cold brewing has different health benefits than hot brewing, such as a slow extraction process which pulls the maximum nutrients, antioxidants and flavours from the tea. This method also produces a less bitter, smoother and full-bodied beverage.  

To brew cold tea, pick your favourite loose-leaf tea. Something that has turmeric can help ease aches and pains to promote relaxation. Measure the appropriate amount of tea for the amount of servings you’re making and add water. Pop your container in the fridge overnight and you’re good to go, with many servings ready to enjoy over the next 4-6 days.

3: Tea Cocktail

You heard us right! Tea can be beneficial and pleasurable too. If you’re looking for a little extra enjoyment in your evening, tea cocktails are a simple way to do this while also continuing to aid in relaxation and promote a good night’s sleep. 

Since alcohol tends to do the opposite of promoting sleep, try and stick with only half an ounce of your favourite alcohol. A good tea to include in a cocktail is Rooibos. Originally from South Africa, its naturally caffeine–free, and this tea’s natural sweetness can reduce cravings for sugar–all for around three calories per cup.


4: Tea Steeped Bath 

Believe it or not, you can actually add tea to your bath for added health benefits! There are a few things you’ll want to include:

Were you surprised by the different ways you could get health benefits from tea? Let us know what you think of these methods in the comments!