7 Things You May Not Have Known About Your Period

What does a normal menstrual cycle look like? (Hint: it can vary a lot!)

What does a normal menstrual cycle look like? How long should a period last? What colour should it be? If you’re not sure about any of these questions, we’ve got your back. Here’s what a normal menstrual cycle looks like (hint: it can vary a lot)!

The Basics

Are Blood Clots Normal?


Yes! Period blood that is clotted; clumpy; that looks like blueberry, raspberry, or blackberry jam; or that is pasty like mud could be indicative of estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency. Period blood that is thinned out, too little, lighter in color, and pink rather than red could mean there is an estrogen deficiency.

What’s Not Normal?

This may come as a shock to many, but many symptoms of a period are not normal, including:

Debilitating emotional symptoms before a period can be indicative of PMDD. If your period pain disrupts your life or you need more than one dose of ibuprofen, that could be indicative of an underlying problem, like too much inflammation or endometriosis. 

Period Flu


Yep, it’s a thing! The menstrual cycle is definitely tied to the immune system and many women experience flu-like symptoms in the leadup to their periods because their immune system isn’t as robust in the second half of our cycle. It’s been hypothesized that around ovulation time and into the second half of the cycle, the immune system function becomes suppressed so that the body doesn’t reject sperm. And then if you do become pregnant, your body also doesn’t reject the embryo. We aren’t as resilient as we are in the first half of our cycle and are susceptible to these kinds of symptoms because of this. Oftentimes, women experience body aches, joint pain, feel super tired or wiped out, feverish and have headaches.