5 Online Businesses You Can Start With Just $100

Get started on your new business venture today!

If you think starting your own small business is out of reach, listen up! Vivian Kaye is sharing FIVE potential business ideas – and the best part is, you can get started on them for just $100! 

How do you set up a business online without a big financial commitment?

Business #1:  Sell Products Online


The print on demand model requires very little upfront investment. You offer items like t-shirts, mugs, or stationary with your own designs or inspirational quotes. You can use mock-ups to market the items online so there’s barely any upfront cost. You partner with a supplier and they handle the printing, shipping. But all these things don’t exist until someone buys them. That means you don’t pay for the product until after you’ve actually sold it, so there’s no need to buy in bulk or hold any inventory yourself.


Business #2: Teach A Course Online


Ask yourself what am I an expert in, what can I teach others online?  If you can knit, play the piano, for example, you can teach an online course.

How this works: put together a video explaining a subject you’re familiar with and then post it on a website like udemy.com. You would make money on an ongoing basis as people continue to enroll in your course. Use the Master Class as an example.


Business #3: Start A Service-Based Business


Something that is always needed like a dog walker, cleaner or something niche. Word of mouth advertising is very helpful and can get you many clients without spending any money.


Business #4: Make and Sell

This could be anything, take something that you love to do like making art, DIY projects, maybe you knit. This is your chance to turn your passion into an income stream and potentially do what you love for a living.



Business #5: Become A Consultant

Everyone is an expert at something! Remember Kerry Washington’s character on the TV show Scandal? She was a consultant. She was an expert at fixing situations.

She would be hired to consult on how to fix stuff. You can use the knowledge you’ve acquired from your job or life experiences to advise others on what they should do!