A Northern Lights Inspired DIY

Bring a little extra sparkle and joy to your home.

A great way to light up your home this holiday season, especially for the New Year! Christian Dare shows you how to create a DIY Northern Lights-inspired décorative piece.

Up first, my Aurora Borealis wall installation. As you can guess, our Beautiful Northern Lights inspired this project but with a modern spin on them as a focal point over my mantel.

Aurora Borealis 


Here is what you’ll need:

Step #1: 

The first step is to paint out your wooden dowel white.

Tip: Craft paint or leftover white latex paint will work.



Step #2: 

Next, we begin by layering on the pieces to create that iridescent shimmery Northern lights. Begin with your fairy lights, simply wrap them around your dowel and let them hang down at different lengths. You want it to feel natural.

Tip: White twinkle lights will also work for this project.



Step #3:

Next, add in your iridescent fringe. The fringe helps to create a multitude of shimmer shades just like the Northern Lights. You can find this fringe at Amazon.


Step #4: 
Lastly, add in your mirror garland. Simple tie it off to your wooden dowel and trim to length.

Tip: You could also mix gold and silver mirrored garland for a different look.



Step #5: 

Hang it on your wall with either eyehooks or some removable hooks. The pieces are quite light.

Tip: Pick a removable hook that can hold up to 5 lbs.