With working from home, it can be easy to get locked in for hours on the computer, work e-mails, Zoom meetings and kids’ schooling. To keep yourself motivated and productive while at home be sure to give yourself a break every so often because sometimes, we can forget just how important it is to move both for our mental and physical health.
Here is sharing a short and easy, but refreshing workout that you can do right at home!
- Commit to move within each hour of sitting
- Train your backside
- Practice mindful breathing/stretching
5 Minute Move @ Home:
- 4-Exercise Circuit
- Complete each movement for 30 sec
- Rest 15 sec in between each exercise
- Complete 2 rounds total.
- Downward Dog to Pigeon Stretch
- Kick Through climbers (chair)
- Lunge Kick-overs (chair)
- Hip extensions (chair)