7 Hacks To Seamlessly Organize Your Closet This Fall

Give your closet a full Fall refresh with this guide.

Many of us spent some time cleaning out our closets during the pandemic.  With the change of the season, our closets require a little re-organizing. Here are a few tips to help make your closet a more organized space for the new season.


1. Remove All The Summer And Spring Clothing


Take out all the summer and spring pieces and get rid of anything you didn’t wear this summer. If there is something you really loved, ask yourself if you wore it the previous year, if not… remove it.


2. Make Space For Your Fall Pieces

If you have room to keep the summer pieces, move them to the back, if not, buy storage containers (or use boxes that you have lying around) and store under the bed, spare closet or anywhere that works. When your closet is jam packed it becomes overwhelming.



3. Evaluate Your Fall Pieces

Get rid of anything you haven’t worn in 2 years doesn’t fit or is stained or pulled. The reason you’re not wearing certain items, is that they no longer fit or you just don’t like them?  Move them along to another home that can love them.


4. Create A Fall Color Palette

Creating a colour palette is a great first step to having a minimalist wardrobe. I’ve found that neutrals black, white, grey & cream work for me. Your palette may be navy, tan and blue tones. Easy to mix/match and everything should work together if in the same tone.


If you still like to wear bold colours… that’s fabulous! Just anchor with a neutral. For example, orange you can anchor with navy (if you use black you can end up looking like a Halloween Treat)!


5. Repair And Clean Fall Wardrobe

Take all the pieces that are staying and clean them up if they need it. Take them to a tailor, or dry cleaner so they’re good to go. Take a look at your boots and winter shoes to see what needs to be weather-proofed or re-soled. This will help you be ready when the cold weather hits.



6. Create Groups

Organize your cozy fall pieces so they are easy to see. Put all the jeans together, tops, jackets etc.  This makes it easy to make outfits.


7. Create A Few Outfits On Standby

When you are re-organizing your fall closet, make a few favourite looks and leave them on a hanger together.  This way if you are in a hurry you can quickly reach for an outfit you already spent time on. The new coated flair tan pants and the cashmere black turtleneck or the cream sweater and the wide legged pants should be ready to be thrown on at a moment’s notice so you can get out the door!