A 5 Step DIY To Turn Any Old Vase Into A Masterpiece
Make your old vase look like new with this creative DIY!
A creative way to turn an old vase, into a masterpiece! Brenda Danso shows you how with this guide:
- 250ml of paint
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- small container
- spoon or small stick for mixing
- a thrifted vase or old vase
- bristle brush
- white latex interior wall paint
STEP 1: Clean your vase with a lint-free cloth.
STEP 2: Put your paint into the small container and add in your baking soda.
STEP 3: Use your stir stick or spoon to mix up the paint, mixing well until the baking powder is all mixed in. The baking soda will give your vase a chalky matte finish which is really on trend right now.
STEP 4: Coat your vase with the paint, add a second coat if required. Allow your vase to dry for half an hour or until it’s dry touch. Add more coats of paint.
FINISH: Once your vase is completely dry, fill it with fresh or faux flowers.