Natural Ways To Boost Productivity While Working From Home

Working from home doesn't need to be an extra source of stress. Check out these expert tips on making your day-to-day experience better.

Kids shouting, doorbell ringing, helping with homework around the kitchen table, oh – and making sure you’re ready to go for your 10 o’clock video call have all become parts of our current reality. In this quickly evolving world, many of us have needed to quickly adjust to working at home. Bryce Wylde is sharing his most useful tips on how to be your most productive self while working from home!

How to optimize your home-work environment

One key move to boost at-home productivity is to establish a consistent day-to-day routine and work on brain function. It’s important to establish a realistic routine that is easy to stick to. For example, wake up at the same time every morning, exercise right when you wake up, then take a shower. Having this consistent routine will boost your brain function.

Improving focus, attention, alertness and concentration

How much caffeine is too much? Many people consume caffeine to increase their energy and productivity.


The 3 main productivity-boosting supplements are Theanine, Omega-3, Magnesium and Threonate.

Working at home can be difficult; but by establishing an appropriate schedule and ensuring organization and productivity, maybe you’ll learn to love this new lifestyle.