DIY Rustic Wall Mug Rack

This beautiful mug rack is the perfect addition to your home's coffee station.


Shopping List

  • One 8 foot length of 1” x 4” pine board.
    • Cut two pieces at 28 ¼ ” for the sides
    • Cut two pieces at 18” for top + bottom
  • One 8 foot length of 1”x6” pine board
    • Cut 5 pieces at 18” for backing of the rack.
  • One 5 foot length of ½” copper plumbing pipe
  • Paint or stain of your choice for the cabinet
  • S hooks to hang mugs (and spray paint if you want a different colour)
  • Wood glue


  • Jigsaw
  • Tape measure
  • Paintbrush
  • Drill with 5/8” drill bit
  • Steel wool
  • Pipe Cutter
  • Hammer and nails
  • Sandpaper


  1. Start by measuring your copper pipe lengths. I use masking tape to mark the correct length on the pipes.
  2. Cut copper pipe using your pipe cuter. To use this tool effectively, you want to slowly spin the cutter around the pipe, slowly tightening its grip on your pipe as you rotate. You will see a groove form on the pipe and deep, until the copper pipe will simply snap off for you.
  3. Clean ends of copper pipe with steel wool – this will remove any sharp edges. You can also use the steel wool to remove any markings or writing on the pipe you want to remove.
  4. Cut your lumber. Or have it pre-cut at the lumberyard. Sand any rough edges.
  5. Measure out and drill holes for pipes on the two longer lengths of wood (28 ¼” pine pieces – the two sides). Check with the size of your mugs, but I measure my holes at 2” from the top, 11” from the top and 20” from the top. Be sure you not go all the way through the wood. You only need a hole about ½” deep.
  6. Assemble (with hammer and nails) one side of the box frame with the top and bottom. Add in the back pieces. Hammer and nail those in along the one side. Use wood glue on all your joints to ensure a stronger frame.
  7. You should now have 3 sides of the frame assembled and the backing. All glued and nail together.
  8. At this point you should paint or stain all the wood pieces before final assembly.
  9. Allow to fully dry,
  10. Slide in your copper pipes to the pre drilled holes on the side.
  11. Add the final piece of the wooden frame (ie your other pieces with the pre-drilled holes) while fitting the copper pipes in. This should be a snug dry fit.
  12. Attach final side with wood and nails.