3 Days Left: Prep For Your Chrismukkah Party

Get 'lit' this Hanukkah with Shai DeLuca's miraculous Hanukkah party prep guide (Dec. 22).

Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah! The eight-day Jewish celebration of light. While many are prepping for Christmas right now, Jewish families around the globe are chowing down on latkes (click here for our latke-making guide from Amy Rosen), spinning dreidels, indulging in guilt-free chocolate gelt, and of course — lighting Hanukkah menorahs.

But, what about the families celebrating both holidays this season?

With ‘Chrismukkah’ a growing trend, you may be considering throwing a party that brings everything and everyone together. Knowing how to incorporate – and elevate – the long standing Hanukkah traditions while keeping Christmas in mind can be a challenge. Designer Shai DeLuca is sharing your guide to making this year’s Chrismukkah festivities especially lit. 


For more Chrismukkah inspo, scroll through the gallery below:

Click here for Tracy’s Holiday Countdown launch video and your step-by-step guide to the season.