DIY: Faux Marble Table Lamp For Under $50

Get the trendy marble design detail without the hefty price tag.

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  1. Measure and cut the length of your Sonotube (or cylindrical shaped container). The length should be slightly less than the distance between the top of your lamp holder and the base. For example, the lamp base I chose was 15” tall, so I cut my tube at 14”.
  2. Measure and cut a circle from your piece of MDF. The diameter of your circle should be one inch larger than the diameter of the cylinder. Mine was 8”, so I cut a 9” wooden circle. You can use a compass to make a perfect circle (or a dinner plate).
  3. Drill a hole in the center of your wooden disc. This should be slightly larger than the diameter of the rod of your lamp. For example, my lamp has a ¾” diameter, so I used a 7/8” drill bit. The hole should be large enough for your cord and the rod to fit through.
  4. Paint your wooden disc (circle) with your spray paint. Allow it to dry and apply a second coat.
  5. Wrap your cylinder (Sonotube) with your faux marble contact paper. Go slowly and work out any bubbles with a burnisher (or credit card).
  6. Now you are ready to assemble.
  7. Snip off the plug from the cord of your light.
  8. Feed the cord and rod of your lamp through the hole in your wooden disc (wooden circle).
  9. Apply a small bead of hot glue to the top of your cylinder tube. Apply disc to top of cylinder. This will affix the wooden disc to the faux marble cylinder.
  10. Attach metal base that came with the lamp (this will be the base of your new lamp as well). It should simply screw on.
  11. Add on replacement plug. You simply need to strip both wires and attach them to the screws inside the plug.
  12. Add your lampshade.