Dr. Joey’s Top 10 Books For Optimal Health and Wellness

When it comes to health and wellness – there are so many books that are good for your health: physically, mentally and spiritually.

I love everything about books.

I love to write them (I have written 5!), read them, to touch and feel their pages… and even love the smell of a bookstore or a library.

When it comes to health and wellness – there are so many books that are good for your health: physically, mentally and spiritually. If you were to ask me to name my top 10-wellness books – this list would include topics of nutrition (of course), and would also include books that focus on being still, mindful and discovering your personal passion and truth. I find excitement in books; they teach, connect and give all of us those “aha” moments we crave.


So: in terms of books that have really changed my life and helped me to see things in a different way – I’ve compiled my top 10 list.

I am confident that your own list of books has helped to inspire you in many areas of health. If so – let’s share! We would love to hear from you. Simply post your top 10 books with the hashtag #DrJoeysTop10Reads.

Happy reading, and wishing you best health!

Dr. Joey Shulman

