“I’m worth it”: What the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge taught me

Over the past 5 months, these four women have undergone an unbelievable transformation with the guidance of Dr.Joey. They reflect on their weight loss journey and how it's changed their lives.

Four women. Five months. One incredible weight loss journey! The hard work, sweat, and tears have paid off and their big reveal has dropped jaws and uplifted thousands. Don’t forget, it’s never too late to start a weight loss journey of your own at cityline.tv/weightloss


Starting weight: 214 pounds
Current weight: 154 pounds
Weight loss: 60 pounds and 26 inches



“For a long time, I never focused on myself. With two kids and a busy job with travel, I simply let myself go. I never made time for myself and always made excuses why I couldn’t go to the gym, why I had to pick-up fast-good for dinner, even saying I would start my diet on Monday or after my kids birthday…the excuses were endless and I was getting pretty good at making them. Not only has this journey given me the tools to get & stay healthy, but I would say my biggest win in this process is realizing that taking care of ME is not self-fish. It’s important and necessary. Making the time each day to exercise, go for a walk, take a hot bath after a stressful day — I’m worth it and I need to take care of myself like I take care of others around me. No more excuses. And by focusing on me, I’m a better mother, wife, daughter, friend and co-worker for it. I have been more present in my kids life, more confident at work and simply just a happier person all around! This experience has changed my life!”


Starting weight: 203 pounds
Current weight: 163 pounds
Weight loss: 40 pounds and 18 inches


“I’ve learned that it’s ok to reach out for help when you feel like you just can’t get started. The best part of this journey was that we are surrounded by like-minded people who want to take action, feel good about themselves and help others in the process.”


Starting weight: 223 pounds
Current weight: 177 pounds
Weight loss: 46 pounds and 20 inches

“Everyone has an ideal version of themselves. An “I’d like my body to look like or be able to do” ideal. Be inspired by others, absolutely; but when setting your goals make them as personal as possible, meaningfully your own. This way they are not only desirable, realistic and achievable but will also truly satisfy that deep place of joy, accomplishment and self-love once realized. My life was full with everything I needed to do and everyone I needed to do it for. I was wife, mom, friend, executive director, consultant, preacher, etc. Once I was finished with everything I had little left to really care for and truly, deeply connect with myself. This journey has given me the space, the platform, the tools, and the accountability to begin with “Am I ok?” before moving into is everyone and everything else ok. And the thing is, I can still wear all of my hats but I am healthier, happier, and more available to be who I am in those roles when the centre of who I am is whole and healed and healthy and strong!”



Starting weight: 206 pounds
Current weight: 170 pounds
Weight loss: 36 pounds and 17 inches

“If I could go back in time and give my former self advice, I’d tell her not to be afraid to start. The real you is in there, and your friends, family, husband and children need her back. But more than anything so do you. I know it’s scary, and you’re afraid you may fail, but you’ll have an army of support behind you and you can do this and the results will be more than you could have ever dreamed of.”