How To Curb (+ Understand!) Your Sugar Cravings For Good

Do you find you eat well all day long only to fall prey to intense sugar cravings after dinner? Here's how to curb your habit.

The good news is – if you are a sugar lover, you are not weak or lack discipline. Rather, you are bouncing around your blood sugar, which creates the intense craving for more and more sweet foods.  The reason the brain craves carbohydrates or sweets, is because it needs glucose (sugar) to rebound for its hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) state.

In a nutshell, here is the cycle:

The Stimulus (refined flours, sugars, stress, fatigue)


Blood sugars drop triggering a response in the brain to bring sugars back up. This is when the craving occurs!

A sugar or a refined carbohydrate is often grabbed (cookies, crackers, candy etc.). In response to this food choice, insulin is secreted to deal with the excess sugar.


Excess sugar is stored as fat…. Typically around the belly region.

In order to successfully lose weight, get rid of cravings and be in optimal health, blood sugar needs to become balanced.  Here are very effective ways to balance blood sugars and zap your sugar cravings for good!

Sugar busting tips