DIY: Up-cycling picture frames

DIY expert, Antonio Bellusci shares step by step instructions for revamping old picture frames.

Don’t want to throw out old or worn-out picture frames? Try some of Antonio Bellusci’s DIY ideas to make those old picture frames new again.

How to Make a Picture Frame Mat

Materials & Tools


  1. Cut cardboard to fit inside frame opening
  2. Cut opening in cardboard to frame picture – consider using different widths along the top / bottom versus sides for more visual interest
  3. Cut paper larger than cardboard overall size – 1.5 – 2 inches larger in both width and height
  4. Place paper good side down and centre cardboard mat over top – draw an X shape inside mat centre crossing opposite corners
  5. Using cutting tool – cut X shape
  6. Wrap loose sides of paper onto backside of mat, trim excess and secure in place with tape
  7. Repeat for all sides – inside of mat opening and around outer edges
  8. Secure picture on mat and inside frame

Option – consider using fabric instead of paper

Approximate Cost $5

 How to Make a Foam Core Picture Frame Mat

Materials & Tools


  1. Cut foam core to fit inside frame opening
  2. Draw a box / rectangle to centre around picture
  3. Cut foam core opening to fit picture – consider using different widths along the top / bottom versus sides for more visual interest
  4. Secure picture on foam core mat and inside frame

Approximate Cost $5


 Gold Painted Frames

 Materials & Tools


  1. Using small amounts of gold paint – paint frame allowing some of the darker original colour show thru
  2. Continue painting frame till you reached the desired look

Approximate Cost $5