5 budget-friendly DIY holiday projects

Looking to spruce up your home with holiday crafts? Here are 5 beautiful holiday projects that you can make all on a budget!

Why not bring the family together for the holidays by creating wonderful DIY projects from wooden to paper box snowmen.

Birch / Wood Snowmen

Materials & Tools

  • Birch or wood branches / logs
  • Cutting tool
  • Double threaded screws
  • Regular wood screw
  • Screwdriver and drill
  • Wood Glue
  • Flat wood boards
  • Decorative craft pieces for snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat –examples – pennies, small socks, ribbon, branches, screws, bottle corks, plastic eyes, felt cloth, pipe cleaners


1. Cut square piece of wood from flat board stock to create base

2. Cut 3 rings from birch / wood stock – 1 inch thick in various sizes – small medium and large diameters

3. Or – Cut 3 mini logs from birch / wood stock – in various sizes – small medium and large heights

4. Screw regular thru bottom of square piece and into large birch / wood ring or mini log

5. Drill pilot hole into top of large piece for one half of double threaded screw to fit in

6. Drill pilot hole into bottom and top of medium piece for one half of double threaded screw to fit into each hole

7. Drill pilot hole into bottom of small piece for one half of double threaded screw to fit in

8. Secure / screw double threaded screws in pilot holes with wood glue and assemble pieces of wood together with square base on bottom, large piece, medium piece and small piece

9. Decorate with craft pieces for eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat

Approximate Cost $20

Mason Jar Snowman

Materials & Tools

  • Mason jar with lid
  • White paint
  • Decorative craft pieces for snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat –examples – ribbon, bottle corks, plastic eyes, felt cloth, pipe cleaners


1. Pour white paint into jar and roll paint around in jar covering entire sides and pour out extra paint

2. Decorate with craft pieces for eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat

Approximate Cost $5

Sweater Snowman

Materials & Tools

  • Sweater
  • Scissors
  • Elastic bands
  • Three bags of rice – in three sizes – small medium and large
  • Decorative craft pieces for snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat examples – ribbon, bottle corks, plastic eyes, felt cloth, pipe cleaners


1. Cut sleeve off sweater at arm pit and turn inside out and close off large end with elastic band

2. Turn sleeve back to right side facing out with elastic band / tie concealed at bottom of sleeve

3. Place large bag of rice in sleeve and wrap elastic band around top of bag around outside of sleeve

4. Place medium bag of rice in sleeve and wrap elastic band around top of bag around outside of sleeve

5. Place small bag of rice in sleeve and wrap elastic band around top of bag around outside of sleeve

6. Decorate with craft pieces for eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat

Approximate Cost $10

Paper Box Snowman

Materials & Tools

  • Card board boxes – in three sizes large, medium and small
  • White wrapping paper
  • Scissors and tape
  • Glue or double sided tape
  • Decorative craft pieces for snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat examples – pennies, small socks, ribbon, branches, bottle corks, plastic eyes, felt cloth, pipe cleaners


1. Wrap three boxes with wrapping paper

2. Stack and secure three boxes on top of each other

3. Decorate with craft pieces for eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat

Approximate Cost $5

Metal Can Snowman

Materials & Tools

  • Metal cans – in three sizes large, medium and small
  • White paint and painting tools
  • Glue
  • Decorative craft pieces for snowman’s eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat examples – pennies, small socks, ribbon, bottle corks, plastic eyes, felt cloth, pipe cleaners


1. Paint three cans

2. Stack and secure cans with glue

3. Decorate with craft pieces for eyes, nose, mouth, buttons and hat

Approximate Cost $5