6 DIY table top accessories

Have fun with the whole family making these simple and affordable centrepieces!

Add 6 wonderful DIY decor pieces for your table top from coasters to candle boxes that are simple and affordable for any home.

Painted Vases

Materials & Tools



1. Spray paint all vases with spray paint

Approximate Cost $15


Materials & Tools



1. Cut cork boards into 4 inch x 4 inch squares

2. Pour paint into container

3. Dip coaster partly in paint and dab off excess paint

4. Repeat dipping coaster into another colour of paint


Approximate Cost $5


Materials & Tools


1. Cut wood stock into block for base – approximately 3 inches x 3 inches – you may want a bigger base if your horse is larger


2. Cut dowel into a piece of 8 – 12 inches in length

3. Drill hole into base with same diameter as dowel

4. Drill hole into underside of horse with same diameter as dowel

5. Sand and paint base, dowel one colour

6. Paint horse another colour


7. Assemble by placing dowel into base and other end in bottom of horse – option, use glue to keep base, dowel and horse secure

Approximate Cost $10

Art Piece Pedestal with Birch Log

Materials & Tools



1. Cut wood stock into block for base – approximately 4 inches x 12 inches – you may want a bigger base if your log is larger

2. Cut two dowels – each approximately 8 – 12 inches in length

3. Drill two holes into base with same diameter as dowels

4. Drill two holes into underside of log with same diameter as dowels

5. Sand base and dowels


6. Assemble by placing dowels into base and other ends in bottom of log – option, use glue to keep base, dowels and log secure

Approximate Cost $15

Vinyl Leather-Like Wrapped Books

Materials & Tools



1. Cut vinyl piece (length) to be same height as book

2. Open book up to so seam is flat with both front and back cover also flat – measure total width

3. Cut vinyl piece (width) to be 6 inches wider than the total width measured in the previous step

4. Place two strips of double sided tape down inside of back cover within 2.5 inches of the edge

5. Secure edge of vinyl to tape and wrap book tightly with vinyl and bring to other cover


6. Repeat – place two strips of double sided tape down inside of front cover within 2.5 inches of the edge

7. Pull vinyl tight and secure edge of vinyl to tape

Approximate Cost $10

Candle Box

Materials & Tools



1. Drill hole in centre of candle box lid

2. Secure knob in hole

3. Reset lid on container to be used as a small box

Approximate Cost $15
