Eat Clean Challenge: Day 11
Eat clean day #11 –Loving the lemon
Eat clean action step:
For metabolic boosting and digestive health, start your day off with a glass of lemon water.
Lemons are a small but mighty fruit that offer huge nutritional benefits. For starters, lemons are rich in the anti-oxidant Vitamin C, which has been shown to boost immune system function. In fact, 1 lemon contains approximately 34% of your total recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C.
Lemons have also been shown to have several health benefits such as lowering acidity, optimizing digestion and helping skin to look its very best. While most people think lemons are acidic, once lemons are digested and metabolized, they become alkaline in the body.
To boost your lemon and hydration factor – I recommend drinking water with lemon at least once per day. Avoid lemon juice in a bottle and select fresh cut lemons for your hot or cold beverage. Keep in mind, a 12 ounces serving of apple or orange juice is high in sugars and contains approximately 200 calories, while water and lemon has zero sugar and zero calories.