Get a handle on your finances and live the life of your dreams with expert Bruce Sellery’s three simple steps to achieving your goals.
Step 1: What are your goals?
- Start with the “Big 3”: mortgage, retirement and education
- Think about goals outside of the “Big 3,” whether it’s travel, home renovations or even hobbies like going to chef school.
Step 2: Set goals for different areas of your life
Here are some examples:
- Family: Date night once a month (dinner out and a babysitter)
- Travel: See Wicked on Broadway
- Health: Lose 20 pounds (gym membership, Weight Watchers, etc.)
- Contribution: Donate to a charity
- Experiences: Go skydiving
- Home: Paint the house
- Things: Get a new blender
- Wild cards: Extras that don’t fit any of the above categories
Step 3: Create a plan
- Write down a plan that is realistic and shareable. Avoid being overambitious. Lowering your expectations and set yourself up to win.
- Include the goal, frequency and cost. If you don’t have the money, rework your goal. Don’t put it on a credit card.
Goal: Have a regular date night
Frequency: Once a month
Cost: Under $100 ($30 babysitter, $70 dinner)
- Find a sitter by asking parents at the park.
- Set a date with spouse.
- Book the sitter.
- Save cash by bringing lunch to work.
- Set up a separate savings account with an automatic transfer of $20 a week.