Dr. Joey’s healthy holiday survival guide

Don't stress out about weight gain and how to stick to a plan over the holidays! Follow Dr. Joey Shulman's easy tips for surviving the party season.

Holiday parties have begun and dining out in restaurants, eating appetizers, and having celebratory dinners is in full swing.

There is no need to stress out about weight gain and how to stick to a plan. Simply follow my quick and easy survival guide below and enjoy this wonderful time of year with food, family and friends!

1. Ditch the sugar and refined flours. White flours and white sugars “ring” the insulin bell in your body and tend to promote cravings, weight gain, belly fat storage and fatigue. While I realize it is impossible to avoid white sugar and flour all together, try to minimize the amount you eat.


As you will see below in my additional healthy holiday eating tips, there are several other whole grain flours and natural sugar substitutes such as coconut sugar and/or fruits that can do the trick.

2. Play the protein game. Protein facilitates the release of the hormone glucagon. Glucagon has an opposing action to insulin and thereby keeps blood sugars in check and cravings and hunger at a lower level. Eating 3-5 ounces of quality protein per meal (eggs, fish, chicken, protein powder, hemp hearts, turkey, yogurt) will keep you fuller longer, helping you to make sensible nutritional choices.

3. Eat good fat to lose! In addition to eating protein, consuming “good fats” is another great way to avoid hunger and blood sugar bounces. I recommend always having grab and go nuts and seeds on hand as a quick “go to” snack option. Examples of other healthy fats you can have throughout the day include:

4. Don’t skip meals. While it may make sense mathematically to skip breakfast or lunch to save on calories for a big meal at night, I assure you, it backfires each and every time. Try eating a light breakfast and lunch option (i.e. protein smoothie, yogurt parfait, sliced meat with vegetables, egg white omelet) prior to going to your festivities to avoid food and alcohol bingeing.

5. Practice portion control. If all else fails and you do not have the types of food that you normally eat available to you, practice portion control. Eat smaller amounts of foods, be mindful and eat slowly to allow your stomach to register a “full” sensation in your brain.


6. Slow it down. It takes your brain a full 20 minutes to register a “full” sensation. Make your meals last longer by chewing your food and enjoying every single bite. Sips of water between bites also helps to slow down your food intake curbing the desire to go over indulge on seconds.

7. Listen to your body. If you are feeling tired, fatigued or bloated after your big holiday party, it is time to lighten up a bit the next day. Stick to light soups, vegetables, fruits and protein options and be sure to drink plenty of water and/or herbal tea.

8. Watch alcohol consumption. An excess amount of alcohol can cause fatigue, weight gain and over eating. But let’s be honest, shall we? The holidays are the time of year when alcohol is at an all-time high. Try to avoid higher calorie beverages such as eggnog (1 cup = 340 calories and 20 grams of sugar) and sugary cocktails (margaritas = up to 450 calories per serving) and substitute with lower calorie options such as a white wine spritzer (1/2 wine and 1/2 club soda) and/or light beer.

9. Work it baby, work it! When you do over do it at a holiday party, make your workout a little longer and harder the very next day. Examples of calories burned for 30 minutes of activity include:

Please note: Calories burned are based upon 150 lb person.


10. Watch your emotions. If you are an emotional eater, the holiday season can be a trigger time that sets off an unwelcome roller coaster of mindless eating and bingeing. In order to ward off unwanted stress or comfort eating, I suggest the following:

Other ways to gently tweak your holiday meals to make them healthier include:

Additional healthy holiday tips include:

Courtesy Dr. Joey Shulman