Cityline 21-day boot camp: Day 18

Nuts have been shown to lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

Every day for 21 days, Dr. Joey Shulman is sharing a meal plan filled with detoxifying and anti-inflammatory foods and ingredients that are delicious and nutrient dense. She will also provide a daily health tip and a superfood suggestion of the day. Click here for more details and to see a list of the meal plans posted so far.

Here are Dr. Joey’s meal plan, daily health tip and superfood suggestion of the day!

Meal plan

Upon waking: Lemon and water


Breakfast: Sprouted-grain bread with nut butter and banana 

Lunch: Open-faced turkey sandwich 


Dinner: Spinach salad with grilled chicken breast and avocado

Place spinach leaves in a large bowl. Mix in all toppings and enjoy!


Superfood of the day: nuts

Nuts, such as almonds or walnuts, have been shown to lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. Research also shows those who eat nuts are 31 per cent less likely to gain weight than those who seldom eat nuts.

Health tip of the day

In order to optimize digestive health and reduce bloating, consider taking a probiotic supplement daily.

Courtesy Dr. Joey Shulman