Cityline 21-day boot camp: Day 12

Today's boot camp highlights the benefits of Green tea and Greek yogurt.

Every day for 21 days, Dr. Joey Shulman is sharing a meal plan filled with detoxifying and anti-inflammatory foods and ingredients that are delicious and nutrient dense. She will also provide a daily health tip and a superfood suggestion of the day. Click here for more details and to see a list of the meal plans posted so far.

Here are Dr. Joey’s meal plan, daily health tip and superfood suggestion of the day!

Meal plan

Upon waking: Lemon and water


Breakfast: Banana chia yogurt

Lunch: Sprouted grain chicken sandwich 


Dinner: Salmon and quinoa Salad

Preheat oven to 375 F.
Place salmon on a baking tray and add salt and pepper to taste.
Bake for 20 minutes.


Mix 1/2 cup cooked quinoa with cucumber, celery, and pepper and then add cilantro, arugula and olive oil dressing.

Superfood of the day: Greek yogurt

Did you know Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as regular yogurt? Perfect for weight-loss seekers and health enthusiasts looking to stay fuller longer.

Health tip of the day

Drink your green tea! Green tea contains EGCG, a natural chemical to help boost your metabolism and burn fat. Research shows two to three cups of green tea per day will do the trick!

Courtesy Dr. Joey Shulman