2 creative ways to display your favourite artwork

Samantha Pynn stopped by and shared with us two beautiful and versatile ways that you can turn a blank wall into a beautiful display.

If you have a blank wall in a room and are in need of some inspiration, you’ve come to the right place! Samantha Pynn stopped by and shared with us two creative and versatile ways that you can turn a blank wall into a beautiful display. Check out her tips on how to create your own salon-style wall or a picture rail to showcase your favourite artwork.

Salon-style works best when you have a large wall to fill with multiple smaller pieces of artwork. Here are Samantha’s tips on working with a larger space:

Picture rail:
Using a picture rail is a great way to constantly change up your artwork with little effort. Here are some tips to make your railing look its best:


For more design advice from Samantha, watch the video below: