Spring cleaning DIY saviours

Shoana Jensen comes to our rescue with cheap and easy spring cleaning DIY solutions.

Shoana Jensen comes to our rescue with cheap and easy spring cleaning DIY solutions.

Spring cleaning DIY saviours 

Know what time it is? Why, it’s spring cleaning time! (Hurrah!) We know for some courageous individuals, this is a dream, but for most, it’s the time of the year you dread the most. Battling dust bunnies, pesky stains, and sweeping those hard to reach places are just the beginning of a full day’s (or week’s) worth of cleaning. We know the struggle is real, and thankfully Shoana Jensen has come to our rescue. With easy DIY cleaning ideas (that she swears work wonders!), Shoana shows us just how simple and economical your spring sweep can be.


Problem: Freshen up your home, naturally
Solution: Whether you make a delicious curry or salmon for dinner, Shoana has your solution to get rid of the lingering odour.

  1. Fill a pot with water (there is no need to measure out any of the ingredients — just use the amount you think is best!).
  2. Slice up lemon and place in water.
  3. Sprinkle in 1 tsp to 1 tbsp rosemary (either fresh or dried).
  4. Pour 1 tsp to 1 tbsp of vanilla extract (don’t waste your baking vanilla, simply use the artificial kind).
  5. Boil all ingredients on your stove until the odour is gone and the scent of spring cleaning is in the air! (This will take just a few minutes.)

Note: Make sure the water doesn’t boil all the way down as it may ruin your pot!

Problem: Hard water issues
Solution: Whether you need to clean your kettle, dishwasher, or laundry machine, a simple mixture of vinegar and water is all it takes! With a quick scrub down, this potion will increase the longevity of your appliances and will make them look brand new. Depending on what you need to clean, keep the ratio roughly around 1 cup of vinegar and 8 cups of water. Increase or decrease amounts when necessary.

Problem: Bathtub ring
Solution: Rid of that tricky ring with only 3 home ingredients and a scrubbing brush. To create the paste, mix together dish soap, baking soda, and water. If you are looking to disinfect your tub as well, add in an essential oil in that also acts as an antibacterial such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, or rosemary oil. Scrub at the ring and it should disappear within seconds.

Problem: Dusty lampshades
Solution: Lampshades are notorious for attracting dust, pet hair, and yucky webs. Skip the hassle of a vacuum and opt for a lint roller. It is that easy!


Problem: Cleaning supply storage space
Solution: Cleaning supplies can take up a lot of needed shelf space! Choose a closet/shoe organizer that can hang right on the inside of a door. This can act as a display for all the products you already own, easily show you what needs a refill, and the best part: requires zero organization.

Courtesy Shoana Jensen

