Throw an outdoor party in the cold Canadian winter

Carson Arthur loves the outdoors and thought of no better way to truly enjoy the cold Canadian winters than by throwing a winter wonderland party!

This winter has been a bitter one, but that shouldn’t shock us Canadians! Winter in Canada usually lasts for a good four months, so we might as well learn to enjoy it and embrace it. Guest expert Carson Arthur loves the outdoors and thought of no better way to truly enjoy the cold Canadian winters than by throwing a party! Here are a couple of ideas and tips to have the perfect winter wonderland party.

Decorate your backyard

Fortunately the snow already does most of the decorating for you by covering your yard with a beautiful white blanket of snow, so all you need is a couple of chairs.

  • Don’t buy thin plastic because the cold does not mix well with it. They may snap and you do not want your guests falling to the ground.
  • Don’t buy metal because it gets c0ld quickly and you will find yourself sticking to the chair.
  • Do buy resin chairs because they will not freeze and they’re comfortable to sit in. They’re also made out of all recycled materials, so, they will last for more than 25 years.

For more decorations, check out Carson’s Winter DIYs and Mexican hot chocolate recipe to see how you can create your own outdoor frozen candles and a delicious warm drink!

Build a fire

Building a fire when you’re outside in the cold is a great way to stay warm. If possible, try to find a fire pit that is off of the ground. Make sure you protect the grass (try using a cement block) and create your fire on top of that. Before making the decision to have a fire, make sure you check your local b-laws!

Blankets and pillows

Put out blankets and pillows to make your guests feel cozy. Building a fire will add warmth to the party, but it really only heats one side of the body. It’s a good idea to have extra pillows and blankets around for those who may not love the cold!

Make your own igloo

This is a lot easier than it sounds! All you have to do is dig out the snow so you can use it as a barrier imitating an igloo. It will block the wind and trap the heat, so you’ll stay nice and warm!

Warn your guests

Make sure you let your guests know that your party is going to be outdoors. You are going to want your guests to come prepared with warm clothing so that they can fully enjoy your party!

For more great outdoor party ideas, watch Carson show them off for Tracy in the video below:

Have you ever thrown an outdoor winter party? We’d love to hear all about it! Tell us in the comments.