DIY: Use copper pipes to create your own décor

See how Antonio teaches Cityline to use copper pipes to design a towel stand, table and candle stick holders!

Antonio Bellusci shows us how to make the décor in our homes meaningful by crafting them ourselves or with friends and family. See how Antonio teaches  to use copper pipes to design a towel stand, table and candle stick holders!

First let’s take a look how to properly cut the pipes in order to start crafting!

How to cut copper pipes with pipe cutter

1. Loosen the turn screw and allow the cutting tool to open up for pipe positioning.

2. Position the pipe into the clamp and tighten the turn screw to bring the roller wheel and cutting wheel into contact with the pipe.

3. Rotate the tool around the clamped pipe — 3 rotations.

4. After 3 rotations, tighten the turn screw to bring the cutting wheel back into contact with the pipe and rotate the tool around the clamped pipe 3 rotations — in the opposite direction.

5. Repeat the last two steps until the pipe is cut into 2 pieces.

Now that you know how to properly cut the copper pipes, let’s take a look at the three DIYs Antonio demonstrates.


Towel Stand

Materials & Tools:

  • Copper pipe – ¾ inch diameter (22 feet)
  • ¾ inch copper fitting – T’s (8 pieces)
  • ¾ inch copper fitting – elbow / 90 degrees (8 pieces)
  • Super glue / cement glue etc
  • Pipe cutter
  • Sand paper
  • Paint and painting tools


Determine the size of the towel stand.

Cut pieces of the copper pipe to predetermine lengths.

Sand rough edges of the cut pipes. Note: When using ¾ pipes and fittings, cut pipes will slide into fittings ¾ of an inch into each fitting.

Place glue inside female parts of fittings prior to assembly.

Assemble the stand using fittings – elbows for corners and Ts for intersections.

Adjust fittings and assembly to ensure stand is square and straight.

Allow glue to dry.

Paint stand.

Approximate Cost $70 – $80



Materials & Tools:

  • Ceramic, porcelain or stone tile (18 inches x 18 inches)
  • Copper pipe – ¾ inch diameter – 11 feet
  • ¾ inch copper fitting – T’s (10 pieces)
  • ¾ inch copper fitting – Elbow / 90 degrees (4 pieces)
  • Super glue /cement glue etc
  • Construction adhesive
  • Pipe cutter
  • Sand paper


Determine the size of table.

Cut pieces of copper pipe to predetermine lengths.

Sand rough edges of cut pipes. Note: When using ¾ pipes and fittings, the cut pipes will slide into fittings ¾ of an inch into each fitting

Place glue inside female parts of fittings prior to assembly.

Assemble table using fittings – elbows for corners and Ts for intersections.

Adjust fittings and assembly to ensure the table is square and straight.

Allow glue to dry.

Using construction adhesive, glue tile to top side of the table.

Optional: Paint table assembly prior to gluing down tile.

Approximate Cost $40 – $50


Candle Stick Holders

Materials & Tools:

  • Copper pipe – ¾ inch diameter
  • ¾ inch copper fitting – T’s
  • ¾ inch copper fitting – elbow (90 degrees)
  • Super glue /cement glue etc
  • Pipe cutter
  • Sand paper


Determine size & design of candle holder.

Cut pieces of copper pipe to predetermine lengths.

Sand rough edges of cut pipes. Note: When using ¾ pipes and fittings, cut pipes will slide into fittings ¾ of an inch into each fitting.

Place glue inside female parts of fittings prior to assembly.

Assemble candle holders using fittings – elbows for corners and Ts for intersections.

Adjust fittings and assembly to ensure holder is square and straight.

Allow glue to dry.

Option: Paint assembly.

Courtesy Antonio Bellusci
