Back to Breakfast: Pinkie pie strawberry smoothie

Meet Pinkie Pie, a calcium-rich smoothie with a lit­tle shot of flax! Your kids will never know it's in there!

We’re back with our Sweet Potato Chronicles friends, Ceri and Laura, authors of the phenomenal cookbook, How to Feed a Family. To start 2014 off right, we’re getting Back to Breakfast! These healthy, delicious recipes will be loved by the whole family. Next up: Pinkie pie smoothie!

This one is named for my kids’ lat­est obse­ssion, My Lit­tle Pony (God help me). I’m try­ing to remem­ber when I hear them singing along to the tooth-aching theme song that there are now-forgotten obses­sions that I kind of miss. Like the silly “Where did it go?” game Esme used to play before she could even talk. She’d whip her lit­tle fork behind her back in her high chair and then hold her hands up, like, “What?” About a dozen times per meal for six months. I was ready to take that fork and jam it in my own eye. Now it’s all ponies, all the time. Much of the con­ver­sa­tion seems focused on who is who. As in argu­ing over, “I’m Flut­ter­shy” “No, I’m Flut­ter­shy! Actu­ally, I’m Rain­bow Dash.”

And don’t bother sug­gest­ing that maybe the game is still fun if both are Rar­ity or Apple Jack (that I know all the names is a kind of tor­ture to me) because you will get the scorn­ful look of pity that I do. As if. I felt slightly bet­ter to hear that my friend Elana’s kids are so into My Lit­tle Pony that they sing along to Ali­cia Keys’s big hit with a lit­tle tweak to the lyrics. “This pony’s on fire!” I will never stop laugh­ing about that. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. And so, meet Pinkie Pie, a calcium-rich smoothie with a lit­tle shot of flax.~Ceri Marsh


Pinkie pie strawberry smoothie


(2 serv­ings)


Place all ingre­di­ents in a blender and puree until smooth.


For more amazing recipes from Sweet Potato Chronicles, visit our special section. And of course head on over to their site for tons of amazing recipes and ideas!

Photo credit Maya Visnyei