DIY ornaments

Looking for a fun, festive activity to do with your family this holiday season? Put on some holiday music and make these DIY ornaments from Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault!

Looking for a fun, festive activity to do with your family this holiday season? Put on some holiday music and make these DIY ornaments from Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault!

DIY Ornaments

Melted Crayon Ornaments




Grate to cut up crayons into small confetti size pieces

Temove the hanger top from the ornament and place pieces into the glass ball

Hold the neck of the ornament and blow hot air on the base of the glass where the crayon pieces are gathered


Once the crayons begin to melt, swoosh the pieces around in the ball to make colourful designs

Allow to dry and cool before placing the hanger top back on


Salt Dough Ornaments




Preheat oven to 200 degrees

Mix ingredients in a bowl to create a firm dough

Roll dough out on a floured surface to approximately 1/8″ thickness

To create a pretty lacy effect, place a fabric doily on top of the dough and roll the rolling pin over to imprint the pattern


Remove the doily and then cut out shapes in the dough with a cookie cutter (or use the mouth of a round cup to make circular ornaments)

Using a straw, poke a single hole near the edge of the dough to create a hole to tie ribbon once baked

Place dough cut-outs on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake in the over for approximately 2 hours (until the dough is firm)

Allow to cool thoroughly, and then paint with craft paint and/ or sprinkle with glitter

Finally, tie some decorative ribbon through the hole so you can hang and enjoy!


Courtesy Leigh-Ann Allaire Perrault