4 DIY holiday wreaths

Spice things up this holiday season with these creative DIY wreaths from Antonio Bellusci.

Spice things up this holiday season with these creative DIY wreaths from Antonio Bellusci.

Gift Box Wreath

Materials & tools:



Discard lids from gift boxes.

Arrange boxes in circular wreath formation.

Hot glue boxes together.

Cut Masonite board to mirror shape of wreath.


Drill two small holes through Masonite board, feed wire through holes, tie ends of wire together – this provides something to hang the wreath with.

Glue box assembly to Masonite board.

Spray paint box assembly.

Hot glue ornaments in boxes.

Tie ribbon into a bow and secure on wreath.


Approximate Cost $40 – $50


Cinnamon Stick Wreath

Materials & tools:



Cut Masonite board as a backing for wreath in donut /wreath shape (18 inch overall diameter with 6 inch diameter cut out in center).

Drill two small holes through Masonite board, feed wire through holes, tie ends of wire together – this provides something to hang the wreath with.

Hot glue sticks onto Masonite board, overlapping sticks to cover all gaps.

Tie ribbon into a bow and secure on wreath.

Approximate Cost $20 – $30



Birch Wreath

Materials & tools:


Cut chipboard as a backing for wreath in donutwreath shape.


Drill two small holes through chipboard, feed wire through holes, tie ends of wire together – this provides something to hang the wreath with.

Cut birch logs into rounds of various thicknesses.

Hot glue birch pieces onto chipboard – nest birch pieces as close as possible to cover entire chipboard.

Hot glue scraps and small pieces of birch bark in spaces between nested birch pieces.

Tie ribbon into a bow and secure on wreath.


Approximate Cost $30 – $40


Party Cup Wreath

Materials & tools:



Drill a hole through bottom of each cup – positioned in center of cup bottom.

Cut straws into lengths of 1.75 inches.

Cut string to 6 feet length.

Thread needle with string / yarn.

Tie knot at end of string / yarn.


Feed threaded needle through cup bottom – starting from underside of cup and going through cup interior.

Feed threaded needle through one straw piece and position straw piece on inside bottom of cup.

Repeat feeding threaded needle through another cup and straw until you gone through all cups.

Secure ends of string / yarn together to close wreath – you can drill another small hole through the first cup to feed the needle and string through.

Tie ribbon into a bow and secure on wreath – place your bow over any visible holes used to tie string ends together.


Approximate Cost $10 – $15

Courtesy Antonio Bellusci

