Creating the ultimate lemonade bar

Creating a lemonade bar is a fun and creative way to entertain without the alcoholic "buzz." Shoana Jensen shows us how to kick it up a notch.

Creating a lemonade bar is a fun and creative way to entertain without the alcoholic “buzz.”  Shoana Jensen shows us how to kick it up a few notches with this family-friendly classic.

Recipe for the basic lemonade base:

3 cups of fresh lemon juice (from about 20 lemons)


4 cups of water

Recipe for an assortment of simple syrups:

1 cup of boiling water

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of your chosen fresh herb (basil, thyme, mint, rosemary, ginger, lavender)


*For a herb like rosemary use approx 4 sprigs and dried lavender use about 1/4 cup


1) Add the sugar and herbs to the boiling water.

2) Stir until the sugar has dissolved.

3) Let sit for about an hour.


4) Remove the herbs.

5) Create and enjoy!

Fruit Puree

Place the fresh fruit of your choice (cherry, raspberry, strawberry, peach, watermelon, plumcot, etc) into a food processor or blender and puree. Add simple syrup if you would like to sweeten it.  Then just spoon into your glass of lemonade.


Courtesy Shoana Jensen,
