A Fabulous DIY Chandelier for a Fabulous Price

Shai DeLuca shows us how to create a fabulous chandelier for a fabulous price.

Creating a one-of-a-kind light fixture for under $30 including the light fixture can be a challenge  Shai DeLuca stopped by CityLine to show us how to create a fabulous chandelier for a fabulous price  $27.63 to be exact!

Things you’ll need:

– light fixture 


– beading wire or fishing lure

– beads

– crystals

– Matte spray paint

– Fabric for chain cover


– Fabric Scissors

– Power Drill

– 1/16″ drill bit

Optional: Light Shades  



1. The first step is finding that fabulous light fixture for a fabulous price. There are a number of options you may choose to use. For those who perhaps have moved into a new build or know someone who has, builder grade fixtures are perfect for this project.  They tend to me simple and best of all, they’re free!  If that’s not an option, my favourite “go to” spot for cheap and cheerful finds are the flea markets around your city.  I found mine for $5.00!

2. For the next you’ll need to get out that power drill and your 1/16″ bit for metal objects.  Take note of the number of arms on your fixture. That becomes your magic number when shopping for those perfect accessories. Holding the first arm tightly, you’ll begin to slowly two holes on each arm tray opposite one and other. Repeat this step for each of the fixture’s arms.

3. Now the creativity begins – colour! Your next step requires you to choose the colour you want your fixture to be. Take into account both the space your new fixture will hang, as well as the inspiration behind it; i.e. Baroque, Shabby chic, contemporary etc. You’ll need to then buy a spray paint in the colour you’ve chosen. My personal preference is using a paint and primer in one with a matte finish.

4. After you’ve allowed the paint to dry, you’ll need to find a spot to temporarily hang your fixture. This will become your work room until the fixture is finished, so choose a spot that is easily accessible and does not require you to remove the fixture before it’s done. For those downtown loft-ers, exposed pipes run throughout, so hang away. For those without exposed piping, I suggest “c” hooks that can be affixed to the ceiling or off the side of a railing or banister at the appropriate height.

5. Now you’ll need your beading wire and the beads you’ve chosen to string between the arms. Keep in mind, this is a light fixture, so the shinier the beads, the more glam your fixture will look.  Begin by weaving the end of the wire through one of the holes you’ve previously drilled and wrap the wire around until taught. Using the open end of the wire begin stringing the beads until your desired length is achieved. Cut the wire, keeping enough on the end to weave the remaining through the opposite hole drilled on the next arm over.


You’ll continue this step until all arms are connected with beaded wire. By this point your fixture should be taking shape!

6. Next you’ll need the crystals/stones you’ve chosen to hang off the fixture. Think of these are your fixture’s “bling”. There is no right or wrong choice here. Let your creativity shine. Most crystals or stones have pre-drilled holes. Be sure to keep that in mind when out searching for your own. Having holes drilled after you’ve purchased your pieces is often difficult and costly, so save yourselves the hassle. Another suggestion is to buy crystals/stones in various sizes. When tiering a fixture, I find starting with smaller crystals at the top and increase in size as you work your way down is best.

7. Choose the spots you’d like your “bling” to hang and using the beading wire, affix the crystals/stones to the fixture.

8. The next step requires you to pull out those basic sewing skills learned in Home Economics. No sewing machine needed! Most fixtures come with chains that leave much to be desired, so let’s cover them up! You’ll need to take a trip to your local fabric store. When choosing the fabric for your chain cover, keep in mind that is should be thick enough that it doesn’t slide down the chain, but not too thick that it lays stiff along the chain. I find velours or velvets to be the best for this step, but keep looking if those don’t do it for you.

9. Measure the length of the chain you’ll want to cover and cut the fabric lengthwise, accordingly. Fold your fabric over and begin sewing the cover. Once you’ve finished you’ll need to grab a friend to help with the next part. While one person is holding the fixture, slide the cover over the chain and cord covering everything between the fixture and the ceiling plate.


10. Finally, your last step! If you so choose, attach your shades to the bulbs. Once the fixture has been hooked up and hung, all that is left to do is, sit back, and enjoy your one of a kind chandelier.

Courtesy Shai DeLuca-Tamasi  www.shaideluca.com