5 Ways to Update Your Makeup Look

Makeup Expert Tracy Peart stopped by to chat with Tracy Moore about the top five ways to update your current makeup look.

It’s easy to fall into a rut when it comes to your makeup routine.  Makeup Expert Tracy Peart stopped by to chat with Tracy Moore about the top five ways to update your current makeup look.

1)  Change where the color lays on your eyes – Changing where you put your favorite eye color is key. For example, if you usually put your favorite color on your lid, try putting it in your crease or using it to draw an eyeliner. Changing the placement changes your entire look.

2)  Want a finer look?  Switch your eyeliner.  If you usually wear a pencil eyeliner, try a liquid liner, and vice versa.  The pencil and liquid liner give you completely different looks.

3)  Add a colour dash to your lash – most use the same old black or dark brown mascara. A really easy way to update your look is to try a navy blue or eggplant purple mascara. It might sound too adventurous, but those colors are in reality really subtle, yet different enough to give your eyes a nice change.

4)  When you’re at a loss, change your gloss – Buy a new bold coloured gloss and apply it to the centre of your lips on top of your favorite lipstick that you wear every day. It’ll change the appearance of your favourite lipstick in a new and subtle way, without getting rid of your favorite lipstick.

5) White light will make it right if all else fails and you still don’t want to change your look. Do your makeup the exact same way, and at the very end add a bit of white shimmer in the tear duct (inner corner of your eye). It’ll instantly brighten your face and make you appear fresher than usual.

Courtesy Tracy Peart @tracypmakeup http://tracypmakeup.com