Rainy Day Ready: DIY Umbrella Stand

This easy DIY project is both functional and fashionable for your home's entryway.

This easy DIY project is both functional and fashionable for your home’s entryway.

DIY Umbrella Stand


1 length stove pipe, available in 18″ or 24″ lengths

1 cover to seal bottom

Wallpaper of choice

Ribbon of choice


Foam brush

Tailor’s measuring tape




Insert tab edge of stovepipe piece into ready-made seamed edge. When finished, insert fluted end of pipe into cover.

Measure the circumference of stovepipe. Measure same length of wallpaper, allowing for a 1/4″ overlap. Using ruler as a guide, cut wallpaper to desired length.

Cut two lengths of ribbon to same length.

Using foam brush, and working in manageable stages, apply glue to both wallpaper and stovepipe base. Adhere wallpaper to brushed/glued sections, smoothing out any air bubbles as you work your way around the base.

Apply a light coating of glue to wrong side of ribbon, adhere to top and bottom of wallpaper edges for finished look.

Courtesy The Moggit Girls www.moggit.com