Deep-Frying The Bird

The dos and don'ts of deep-frying that Thanksgiving turkey.

Is there anything more decadent than a deep-fried Thanksgiving turkey?

We think not. However, if you’re planning to give your bird a hot oil bath this holiday — there are a number of safety precautions to keep in mind. We asked Chef Randy Feltis to share his dos and don’ts with, and here’s what he had to say:

Deep Frying A Turkey – the Dos and Don’ts


-Go outside to deep fry (not in your garage!)

-Make sure you use a fire-proof mat

-Wear safety goggles to avoid splashes of hot oil in your eyes

-Temper oil to 325 – 350F

-Dry turkey thoroughly before adding to oil

-Dust with salt, pepper and flour

-Submerge turkey in oil VERY slowly

Do not:

-Fry frozen or semi frozen turkey

-Exceed the maximum oil line

-Exceed the maximum turkey weight

-Allow any water into the oil

-Fry under the influence!

Allow 2 to 2 1/2 minutes of fry time per pound on average, and keep an eye on the bird throughout!