Build A Beautiful Luggage Rack

The best part of this easy-to-construct luggage rack is that the top converts into a stylish tray table.

The best part of this easy-to-construct luggage rack is that the top converts into a stylish tray table.

DIY Luggage Rack / Tray Table




1. Based on the diagram provided, cut all wood, pre-drill all holes, construct frame and tray using wood glue, screws and finishing nails, and install handles and carriage bolts. (*Note- base of legs are cut on a 30 degree angle)
2. Lightly sand all surfaces to remove any rough areas and splinters.
3. To create a weathered “white-washed” look to the wood, mix 1 part water with 1 part Benjamin Moore’s Natura latex paint in a bucket and apply on small sections at a time with a latex paint brush.
4. While paint is still wet, use a rag to remove some of the finish by rubbing in the direction of the wood grain.
5. Once paint is dry, use 5 pieces of 20” decorative ribbon to create the strapping across the top of the luggage rack and fasten with a staple gun on the underside of the frame.
6. Create a customized look by adding pin stripping, a monogram, or stenciling to the tray in a colour that will compliment your space.